Saturday, October 16, 2010


Ohhh Ebay ....
Deal or Not.

It's a jump off point.

Meaning this...when you are shopping for a certain item...Used Computer, Halloween Costume, IPAD, Cole Haan Nike Air Pumps.....

Look at Ebay but also look at outlets, real stores, amazon, and other retailers. Sometimes Ebay is more expensive or just not worth the risk of not being able to see/touch the item.

Also, be a smart Ebay shopper. Look at the reviews of the seller, look at the return policy, and make sure you read the fine print and shipping policies.

I have gotten a lot of great items off Ebay, I have found better deals else where as well.... :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How to Get the Best Seat

Okay so flying...
You always want the middle seat open if you are flying with two, or if by yourself....the entire row??? Can it happen? It can.

First, we basically have to talk about Southwest .... as if there are assigned seats well....there are assigned seats.

So Southwest....
Here are my tricks....
1. Of course, check in 24 hours before - now with the $10 pre check in option, you'll be lucky to get an A.
2. If the flight is full....consider the $10 pre check in. Think of the others things you spend $10
3. If you are flying just two....don't sit next to each right away. One take the aisle, one take the window. This leaves only the middle seat open. People are a lot less likely to take a middle seat than an aisle if you sit next to each other.
4. If the attendants ask everyone to move in, it's a full flight....take your time but move in. Karma.
5. Pull out the Pepto and hold your stomach. Carry on ginger ale and look sick. (Okay - just long is that flight?)
6. If you want the entire row, it has to be a pretty empty flight. So you need to ask the attendants and be aware of if your flight is full or not. Then you are going to have to go to the back of the flight for your row. For some reason ..... rows 1-5 will always be full even if there is only 15 people on your flight. Strange but people find comfort there???

Okay I've flown A LOT this summer and those are my tricks soo far :) Happy flying!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


So what do I mean by points??? Stores that give you points for each dollar spent - then when you add them up you get either money off, coupons or services....

Basically, a thank you to loyal customers!

I am a huge fan and tend to only go to stores who will reward me for my loyal purchasing...

Today we'll talk about Ulta. Ulta is a beauty store....perfumes, makeup, hair care, hair products, and a hair salon. For each dollar you get three points...but often you can get coupons that allow you to get 4x, 5x, or 10x the points. You better believe I wait for those 10x coupons to buy the big purchases.

I accrue a lot of points and usually save them for blowouts, but often will save them for a big purchase like Kinerase Eye Cream....a blowout - 1,000 points vs. $75 gift card - 7,500 points. But it's all what makes sense to your shopping sense!

So think next time you are at Target or Walgreens....and want to grab hair spray or a new could be points closer to that new blow dryer you are craving :)

Monday, October 11, 2010


TODAY ONLY the entire store is 40% off and 45% if you use a GAP, Banana or Old Navy card. Plus if you dont have one.....sign up and get an additional 15% off. THE ENTIRE STORE!!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Love this

Check out new blog,

It's a great read and my friend Penelope needs followers, I wont be updated her new posts, so you'll need to follow her blog to hear the latest!!!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Gift With Purchase


I am a make-up fanatic. I completely fall into the trap of "it will make me beautiful....." and it all comes in a bottle for $39.99.

I love new products that claim to length, bronze, stretch, firm, tone, lighten, -- I can play for hours. This might of come from one too many games of dress up.


So you want new foundation from Estee Lauder but you are at Macy's and no free gift? Just ask! Either just down the mall at Nordstorm's they have an entire free gift set or if you scrape the bottle you can wait two weeks until Macy's receives their free gift! All Department Store take turns having the free gifts....equal opportunity.

Sometimes if the counter girl really wants to make a sale, she'll offer you a gift anyway! Trust me. Just ask. "I'd really like to get this now, but I think I'll wait for the next free gift." If she works on commission suddenly the free samples come out of nowhere. This can sometimes be a better deal because all free gifts have a minimum purchase (i.e. $32.50) and trust me no one item will equal that so you'll have to spend more to get the free gift.....

Oh! And if you are buying makeup at a Department Store can always get your make up done for free. Beware though, don't let a counter sales girl paint your face. They should all have one make up artist, and that is worth sitting down for a few minutes to have someone show you a few new tricks.

You need the rest anyway ..... it's going to be a long day of shopping!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Christmas in July!

That's right folks, my Christmas Shopping is done! Tah- DAH. Say it out loud. TAH DAH.

I recently visited my family, and one suitcase was all Christmas Gifts. Crazy you say? Do you realize how much shipping all that would of been? Hellloooo.....Southwest flys bags for free! There was also a few fall birthday gifts in there as well.

I make a list of people to buy for every year after Christmas for the next Christmas and it begins.....

Why you might ask? Well I love Christmas and love season. I love walking around the mall watching kids with Santa, people with too many bags, drinking cocoa and driving around looking at light displays! Sooo if I have too much Christmas shopping to do....these fun activities get interrupted. Anyway, searching for the perfect gift causes too much stress. I like to enjoy the holidays not stress them away. It's a lot more fun to attend all the parties, gatherings, and events knowing I've bought all my loved ones a great gift!

You have 365 days a year to shop for the perfect gift for someone. And trust, that 30% off during Christmas is not a sale (they marked it up 40%). You really have to realize if you "need" it the stores know it and mark it up! Now the after holiday shopping is an entire another blog.....

I love collecting things for people I know they will love as I find them on sale. Don't wait, if you do you'll be searching for the perfect gift and it will probably be overpriced!!!

Now when to wrap? (Please, of course I already have the paper got it after Christmas last year!!!)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Retail Therapy

Well... not a lot of posts lately. But funny enough, there has been A LOT of shopping. Tonight, I decided to talk about Retail Therapy.

Myth, Truth or Excuse to Shop?

I really think it's a truth. I mean, if you hate to shop you are not going to suddenly love shopping when you become sad, depressed, or stressed. But if shopping is something you love, obviously much like a good friend it can bring you comfort when the rest of the world seems to not.

According to Wikipedia: Retail therapy is shopping with the primary purpose of improving the buyer's mood or disposition. Often seen in people during periods of depression or transition, it is normally a short lived habit. Items are "comfort buys."

Look as long as it doesn't turn into oniomania (yes, compulsive shopping is a disease) you aren't really doing the worse thing for yourself!

Other things people turn to in transitions periods: Danger Sports, Drugs, Drinking, Promiscuous Actions, Quitting now how bad does Shopping look? seriously. (again...don't go get into debt and then go ... I was depressed! but a few nice items that make your eyes sparkle aren't going to hurt you either!)

It takes your mind off things, a hunt for a great deal is a focus, a hard job....a distraction.
A Few Rules:
1. Set a limit for your Retail Therapy trip.
2. Don't make MAJOR purchases, but little things that make you smile.
3. Bring a friend to help you sort through "what is really needed."
4. Keep the receipts, because.....THIS TOO SHALL PASS!! In the bright sunlight, the purchase might not seem as wonderful.
5. Buy something for a friend or an item to donate to a local shelter.
6. If you really are having a rough time, opt for real therapy to accompany your retail habits.

So in closing...yes, Retail Therapy is real!!! It was actually coined by Chicago Tribune in Christmas 1986" "We've become a nation measuring out our lives in shopping bags and nursing our psyhcic ills through retail therapy." Pish Posh, Come on!!!

First, that was the 80's and everything was done in excess. Now we are helping the economy! :)
Second, your psyhcic ills will come out if you shop or not.
Third, please we as a nation measure ourselves by how cute we look in what've brought! :)

Wear a Smile - one size fits all! :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Outlets? Deal or Not?

Thanks to an article from is my review of the Outlet situation.

I do live in Orlando one of the Outlet Capitals of the world so it gives me a unique look at what they really are. Bottom Line: They are great if you know what to look for, when to go, and what you are really getting.

First, is it last season or made for outlet? Let's use the GAP. The GAP never will have things from the store in their outlets. Don't believe me look at the tag? It will have "factory store" on the label meaning it was made just for the outlet. This isn't a bad thing, I think the store quality is better but if you love it...go for it. It also helps to know how much you could get something at the sale rack at the store vs. full price at the outlet. Other ones that make factory store clothes, Ann Taylor, Calvin Klein, Tommy, and Banana (but again look at the tag some Banana items are last season!) Basically, quality check....

Second, when are you going? Don't go during back to school shopping - you'll come up empty handed. I have found after a major holiday is a great time for outlets or when the seasons change. Who says you don't need a bathing suit bought in December?

Third, get the coupons. Either online or at the food court....yes, the food court and pick up that sample of orange chicken, you'll need a protein boost for this trip :)

Fourth, Return Policy! (and if you're a reader you know I love to return..) some outlets have NO RETURNS! (Victoria first run in...ohhh I was mad.) But it's always the shopper's responsibility to know the policy!

Ready to go? Call me....especially Coach Outlet after present for me a year :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gas Station Fashion

Interested yet?

Here's the deal...the other day I was in Walgreens having a horrible day and said huh, that sundress isn't bad...almost cute! Then my friend in effort to cheer me up bought it. I guess the surprise was when I wore it the next day with coach purse, nine west sandals, and Cole Haan glasses.

Quote: Merchandise it up!

It doesn't matter where you buy that "cute" thing if you put it with other high fashion expensive one will ever know....Who's cares if you are wearing that Forever 21 top...with that Burberry Trench and Banana Pants....looks like you are a million bucks! Don't be afraid of the Gas Station, Walgreens, long as you can add on to the outfit and make it your own and amazing it doesn't matter where it comes from.

Here's another note, the next day we saw the SAME sundress in Target with a different tag for like $25 more?


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Dealoholic goes to Italy!

II Dealoholic e disinserito in Italia sul suo nervoso slighty di sogno di vacanza.......spaventata ed eccitata. It's sempre stata un sogno, spero che possa fare tutti i miei sogni venire allineare. It's Italia...can'la t e duro quella a destra? Se vivessi con le vendite di campione, rivesto di pelle in Italia??? Destra? Eventualmente I' il II ha alcuni affari di stupore per ripartire lo stile italiano! Ringraziamenti per lettura e l' il II e indietro presto! Ciao!


(The Dealoholic is off traveling to Italy for her next great deal! Ciao!)

P.S. For those of you who read Italian, I know I am missing a few accents! That's life!

To Survery or To Not?

So at the end of many a transaction you often hear..... "if you fill out this survey by calling this number next time you'll get....blah blah"

You've stopped reading, listening...just tuned out. No? Most people do and you simply throw that extra receipt away.

I get it, I've done it before many a time. But then the light turned on...."Ahhhhh"

So here's my story, I got one of those pesky surveys but actually did it. It took five seconds on the computer and a wrote in a five digital code on the original receipt. It was only 10%; so is 10% worth it??? For five seconds of my time? Sure!

But then last week I was one of the first shoppers at my Old Navy during Stuff n Save and got a 50% THE ENTIRE STORE COUPON. What What. Awesome. Song. Dance.

So after the glee, shopping, and more shopping I head to the counter with my hands full. I mention I had one of those surveys but I probably couldn't combine offers....right....????

NO! The ohsonice sales clerk informed me that is the best things about those 10% off surveys - THEY CAN BE ADDED ON TOP OFF ANY OTHER OFFER.

And that's when 10% became 60% and it all became worth it.....

So next time you are throwing away that extra bit of paper, you might be throwing away an extra bit o cash ;)

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Gift Closet

Okay forget the gifting tree...this is all about the gift closet. And I have one! I am not sure when I started but I know my mom had one so I am pretty sure I started young.

The idea is this: You have a closet full of great gifts either generic or that you are saving for that some one's birthday or next holiday.

Why you might ask? Well think about it, just because it's Christmas time does not mean that you will magical find the perfect gift for Tom, Dick, Harry or Sue. You might find it August? So what? And if you buy it in August it might be 40% off. Let's face it you wait until holiday season, they will mark it up 40% then take 20 %. Trust me, they are making their margins over the holidays.

I often walk through stores and possibly see a candle set that would be the perfect gift for Secret Santa, Aunt What'sHerName, or a Neighbor. Just save it and put it in the closet. This way when that hair dresser gives you half off for Christmas, you then show up with that perfect gift from the gift closet.

I also think buying 98,760 gifts at one time isn't fair to your credit card so spreading them out gives you more time to pay it off and spread out the cost. It's helps with the stress of the season. You want to enjoy the holiday, not be nickel and diming and only thinking of the money.

Also, I like walking through the malls during the holidays and not having to "find" the perfect gift. I like to relax, people watch, and enjoy the decorations. If you have all the gifts at home, it's easy breezy.

I love to shop, and often see that right fit gift for (fill-in-blank) so if I can afford it, I buy it and store away. This doesnt mean I just buy what's on sale. I buy things that I truly know or hope they will love I just do it in advance.

You should see my closet. All my friends Christmas presents are done, All Birthdays in the fall are done, Wedding Gifts for the fall....check. It gives me more time to enjoy the event and heck, I get to cross it off my to do list. Best feeling of all.

And do my re-gifts get put in the closet for later use? Hmm....that's another post ;)

Monday, April 26, 2010

How to Pack Your Bags!

How to Pack Your Bags SO when flying you never pay for checking luggage.

I refuse to check luggage when I have to pay. It's silly. I pay enough for the ticket.

But how do you pack correctly to make sure you get everything you need in that carry on?

Read on.

And remember these are just my tips (everyone has their own!)

1. Brown or Black rule, if traveling for 4 days or less chose a color. That's right all your outfits either are in the black or brown family. That means one purse, one pair of shoes, one belt, one set of accessories. If you can keep your outfits all in the same family; you'll pack a lot less.

2. Know your outfits. DO NOT dump your entire closest in a suitcase, pay $100 to fly it, and then wear 2 things out of it. Seriously. DO NOT. Lay out your outfits completely. Know what the proper undergarments you need are, what the accessories are, what socks or shoes will go with. Then once they are all layed out - pack.

3. Twice is Nice. If you are traveling for 7 days or more - don't pack it unless you can wear twice. Seven pair of jeans for seven days. Puh-lease. Every thing should be in the complimentary family so you can mix and match.

4. Keep the colors in the same family so you can mix and match and be spontaneous on site. The more you can mix and match the better. BUT of course you want to be read on to number 5.

5. ACCESSORIZE!!!!! Scarves, Earrings, Necklaces, bright colorful pieces will add tons to your outfits and not add to your precious suitcase space.

6. Know the climate. Is it 80 or 40? Snow or Sand? Don't bring unnecessary items but don't have to make emergency runs to target and then have to figure out how to get it all home. (God forbid buy another suitcase for that emergency parka purchase.)

7. Travel Size. I love the amenities from any hotel, I keep them for my next trip. I have honestly tipped and just said "need toiletries, bed is fine". It's true! I also save makeup, deodorant, and lotions when I get to the end for the next trip, this way I use the rest of the trip and then throw it away there. That means I have just enough foundation left, I put it in the travel bag for the next vacation. You can also ask any makeup counter for trial sizes....(trust me they want you to buy their product, they'll give you a tester.) This goes for perfume as well. Any free samples you might get? Save them for your next travel! My travel bag of toiletries is impressive and probably a prize possession.

8. Rules. Lots of people think "Well I can't do a carry-on because I have to" Not true. Razors....fine in carry on. Shampoos....get the right size. Phone Chargers....fine in carry on. Besides the biggies, most items can be carry-on. Just ask for samples and save the small sizes for traveling. Don't go raid the travel size section of any store, please. They are just too expensive. Just call me. :)

9. Save room. No matter where you go you'll end up with some souvenir. So please don't waste money on shipping it home, just leave a little extra room in the suitcase.

10. Pack ahead of time and leave the suitcase open. Edit Edit Edit. If you pack ahead time; you'll always come up with one or two things you can remove, and one or two things you forgot.

Seriously, I follow these rules every time. I LOVE TO PACK, but only by my rules. It's stressing me to see others pack.....on a mission for the perfect carry on pack!

***Disclaimer...I am going to Europe for 2 weeks and get a free checked bag up to 55 lbs so I will check a bag (GASP!) but only cause it's free and I'll be there so long....but trust me the outfits are already layed out.

Want me to pack for you? Just call. I would love to hear anyone's tips! I love to pack!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Public Service Announcement

Soooo how to save cash - not spend it right?

Well here is my latest discovery....THE LIBRARY!

Here is the thing, you are paying for the library with your tax dollars but when is the last time you used it? I was finding myself going to Borders once a month and dropping $100.00. WHAT? And probably only a few of those books do I really want to own. Most of them I read don't love and then they sit sitting on the shelf.

The Orange County Public Library has an online service and delivers books I request to my doorstep for FREE! To drop them off, there is a simple drive thru box. That's right all for free. I never have to even go to the library. So I figure out what books I am interesting in reading and simply go online and request them. It is true sometimes there is a wait for new releases but sooner or later they end up at my doorstep.

Wait, gets better you thought the new $1 redbox was the cheapest movie option....think again. Your library offers new movie rentals - that's right - for free.

I know that owning books is important to some; so for you buy and own all the books you wish. But if you find you rather read the book before you buy.... look into your local library, amazing deals to be had!

So close your wallet and open a book ;)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

When Deals Go Bad

Sadly, there is a downside to our tale..

and no not only when you open your credit card bill.

(Refer to post #1 - everything including bills goes on my credit card - heeellooo rewards.)

This is the tale of "To Good of a Deal."

Look just because "it" is 75% and an extra 10% off if you buy during the 1 Day Sale..

Do you really need it? (I have to ask this myself. A LOT.)

So let's try asking these questions..

Yes, it's 75% and oh so cute but...

1. Is it your size?

2. Would you actually wear it? Does it fit in your home decor? Do you have a dog to wear that sweater? You get the idea......

3. Do you have 8 others just like it?

4. Does it fit in your budget?( 75% off $3,000....still a lot of money. Yes, you do get an extra 10% but can you afford it?)

So next time you are out and see those amazing Manolo Purple Heels with Feather and Rhinestones.....stop and ask yourself those those four questions. Oh if they are really 75% off, call me! :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Take the Free and Run!

Today I got those "ohsoexciting" Free Pantie Coupon in the mail for Victoria Secret......

But beware...there are reasons that companies send out free panties, free small drink, free 1 night, free travel size get the idea. These companies have decided that giving away this one thing is worth it because once they have you in the'll probably buy more. They think they can trick the average consumer!

Don't let them!!! Proudly walk and claim your free _______! Don't feel guilty! I also get my free pantie and when they remind me there is $10.00 off a bra as well, I politely decline. (Well, unless you need the other item but frankly how far away is Season Semi-Annual Sale???)

Don't feel obligated to buy something else...they sent this to you because probably you are a good customer anyway. So take the free and run!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Price Adjustments?

This is not for the beginner shopper so beware.

Most stores offer "one-time price adjustment when you present your original sales receipt within "x" amount of days."


It's so easy. You are back in the store within the "x" amount of days. Bring your receipt to the counter and say can I do a price adjustment. Done. Easy. Money back to you.

The other day at the GAP; Trent (the husband) was buying something and I realized a few things I had gotten had been even more discounted. I keep all receipts in my purse for this reason so I pulled it out and "POOF" $20 dollars appeared back on my credit card. Trent was dumbfounded - I think he still is.

This especially works well during holiday season, because sales change so fast and quickly. Again you have to know what the policy is, and if you have to have the item with you (I never have had to have the item in hand - just receipt.)

This is just an easy simple way to not be sale that "x" has gone on sale and already have it...

I feel like this should be longer as no one seems to get it but alas, with the knowledge, it's that easy of an adjustment.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

How to Return!

OH this could be my favorite post topic to date!

I love to return! Love it!

Look, the worst feeling is seeing something, not getting it, and then going back and being heartbroken it's not there. And now you want it even more! Tear. ( Heads up ladies, this also applies to men that's another blog though.)

So I tend to follow the rule "Just Buy It! If you don't want it later, you can always return it"

Sound: Tires Screech to a Halt. Warning: You have to know the stores' return policy and guidelines. This is on you. I personally don't shop at stores that don't allow returns with receipt and tag attached within a reasonable timeline. The stores can't make me love it....

Anyway so buy it! Go home, try it on, does it work with your shoes, accessories, bags? Can you pair it with that blazer? Or those leggings? If you realize it doesn't fit or just doesn't work for your style then return it. At least you know you gave it your best shot!

Remember don't remove any tags until you are sure! Heck, don't remove the tags until you wear it!!!! Why? What if you lose 20 pounds before you wear that dress or suddenly decide No way! If the tag is still attached and you have the receipt, you aren't out anything!

Here is another tip: Let's say you bought xyz and then you go back and IT'S ON SALE!!! Well, if you haven't worn xyz it on sale and then return the one at home you bought for full price! This can be easier than returning to your favorite store daily to see if "it" has gone on sale. (Let's be honest I have done this and know what day my favorite stores do their clearance inventory. And the manager on that works these evenings....sad but oh so true) With this line of shopping, it's safe to say you need a good storing place for all those receipts.

Basically you have to commit to the return and safely storing receipts. But having a good return in your back pocket can save you a lot of money and near missed deals....

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Morning After

The Morning After.......

A Major Holiday! Get your minds out of the gutter!!

So a morning after a major holiday is prime dealoholic shopping time. I almost get more excited for the day after.... why??

Because everything is 50-75% off!!!!!!

This weekend I went shopping with a friend and saw a great new Easter was 25% off. She urged me to get it. I refused with "Hello, on Monday it will be 75% off?!@!?". This morning I returned to the same spot and POOF! A Large Red 75% Sign appeared. I was giddy with my deal.

Basically figure out what you need, new Christmas lights, new Skeleton paint, new Easter basket, new Turkey napkin rings, new Yuletide cards but only get it AFTER the holiday. Stock up. And yes, it will always go on sale ..... stores need to unload their seasonal items ASAP.

Okay short and sweet just a friendly reminder, shop after the holiday for your holiday decor needs. EXCEPT the candy....let's be honest candy is best fresh.

Off to hang my wreath! :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

What have your friends done for you lately?

And of course....quickly followed by what have you done for your friends lately?

A good deal is your best friend or is your best friend holding your next great deal?

Look we've all had those moments when you open your closets, drawers, whatever and go "I have nothing to wear!" It's the worse when followed by "I am broke." What to do? I learned young, whenever you are low....turn to your girlfriends! So let's try that now...

#1 - Clothes Swap! If you are broke and need new outfits, 10 to 1 so does a girlfriend....Ask and closest raid! Important rule, set expectations of guidelines: condition returned, dry clean or washed, and due date prior to borrowing. You don't want to ruin a friendship over this so be up front with your expectations. But let's be honest if you are the same size as your girlfriend and she has a habit of giving designer clothes to goodwill barely worn....let her know you'll happily be her favorite charity!

#2 - Trade and Trade well! If life is all about the hookup then start with your friends. We learned in school all about East Indian Trade Routes...did we learn nothing? What do you have someone might want and what do they have in return? Are you working at the GAP and holding a 50% Friends and Family Discount....why not trade with your friend that is a hairstylist for those blond highlight you can't afford? Have a friend that works for Delta with buddy passes to fly, why not offer your hotel discount and together make vacation magic! Usually you look at your own hookup as unimpressive, but undoubtedly there is someone out there who will what to partake! Maybe you have a gift card to Southwest you don't need and a friend has cash and willing to pay for can pay down that credit card!

Warning: Don't get your friends fired, and know your company policy on sharing the perks. Enough Said.

#3 - Editing! The best deal is sometimes not getting that _____ (fill in your guilty pleasure) at all. When you have 16 dresses in that dressing room, and you feel you need them all, you can not live without them....a girlfriend is in desperate need. A honest friend will let you know which truly look amazing and which you can't see fully in that 2 way mirror and need to go. Bring your girlfriends shopping so you don't overspend.....Coco Chanel once said "You usually need to take off the last thing you put on." She didn't mean this but I usually add "your credit card" to that statement.

#4 - Advertising! Girlfriends are walking talking ads, they can try out those trendy pumps or new length skirt...does it work? do you really like it? When they have gotten that blazer you've been eyeing, ask where it come from!!! Don't be shy! When you get'll will probably be there still and on clearance....

In closing, your honor, Girlfriends are key is finding the next best deals! But remember, their friendship is more important than that amazing designer dress in their closet you want.....

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

On Line Shopping - THE RULES

Oh the hard work. On Line Shopping is not for the faint of heart. I promise you.

1. Free Shipping. Every major online store will have free shipping at some point. I am on most of the mailings of the stores that I frequent so I get alerts. Do not shop with out free shipping, as in case it doesn't fit you can return to the store and then you are out of pocket nothing!

2. Return to Store. I do not buy anything online that I cant refund/return to the store. Think about it? If I buy five things and none of them fit? Hello? I am not going to post office (that's annoying in itself) and then paying to return it. No. No. No.

3. Search for coupons. Google "Coupons for Ann Taylor" (fill in blank) many great websites have so many codes up and you know NO ONE USES THEM! It takes five seconds to google for coupons and yet we live in a NOW world we don't take five seconds that could save five dollars and probably more. and are two of my favorites.

4. The dilemma - no free shipping, you found that perfect clearance item and you don't dare to wait on it? Is there free shipping if you buy xxxx (fill in blank - shoes, perfume, men's boxers?) just buy that item and then get the free shipping. Simply return that item to store and you've gotten free shipping and lost no money on an item not needed.

*****WARNING: You have to commit to the return process, if you are one of people that just won't return anything and just plies it up and never gets around to it. This will NOT work for you.

5. The dilemma - no free shipping but 30% off coupon. Well then do the math...if the 30% coupon is greater than the discount of the free shipping. It's begging for you to buy it. But really the true sign of buying gods speaking to you.....the ultimate free shipping and 30% coupon good that day only and its a clearance item you can't find it stores....

Now I am excited and going to find my next great deal online!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nordstorm Score!


So tis the season of wedding dress and I had to find many a perfect dress....

I found it on for $103.99 - with free shipping of course (YOU DON'T SHOP ONLINE WITHOUT FREE SHIPPING....that's an entirely different post) I was hooked I had to have this dress.

But this perfect dress was not in my size. Was all lost? I I googled the actual name of the dress. "BCBGMAXAZRIA Pleated Cotton Dress". None on amazon, eBay, Dillard's....all the usual haunts....this was making me want it even more.

But was on AND IN MY SIZE! Oh the excitement. But it was $218.00. Err...not a deal. Then at the bottom in fine print...My twinkly eyes did see:

"You'll never pay more. At Nordstrom, we are committed to providing you with the best prices. If you find one of our items somewhere else priced lower, please call."

So I called, I was doubtful as the Macy's dress was clearance and Nordstrom was not. But low and behold they honored the other price (be prepared with SKU numbers and websites of each...make their lives easier, they will make your life easier.)

And they honored my free shipping, and gave me and extra 10% for my extra hassle and because it was first time ordering online with Nordstrom. WOW.

You can find the perfect little black dress. At a discount. With free shipping. And 10% off because you worked a little bit harder.

In the end, I loved the dress...because it fit so well, yes but maybe even more cause of the amazing deal. ;)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Art of The Bump

Ah yes.
The Art of Bump.
No.... not Sookie, a Bump it, or some move that fits with a butterfly dance move.

Airlines bumps!

This past weekend I was flying over one of the busiest airline seasons, Spring Break! I have read that during Christmas and Spring Break there are actual "professional" bump artists, that buy tickets only to rack up credits. Funny enough - airlines are now tracking these people down....

Anyway I am not a professional, I have only gotten lucky 3 times...but here is the most recent story.

So I was flying back from San Francisco to Orlando, they asked for 3 bumps and promised $200 airfare credit for each person and confirmed tickets on a later flight. My husband is very scared of flying (he says he just doesn't "like" it) and was already mentally prepared for the flight we were in line for. I couldn't convince him. So we boarded. I had the biggest pit in my stomach - WHAT DID I JUST PASS UP? I made it clear to the airline attendant, if they were going to force people off the flight I was still interested. My husband was convinced someone had taken it - usually people are running for those I sat back and pouted.

Then the attendant said for me to go to the front of the plane and talk to a customer service heart leaped~ (true sign of a dealaholic). They were now offering refund of one way flight, $400 airfare credit each, and confirmed tickets on a direct flight that would only get in 2 hours later!

I was sold! I waved my hand at my husband and said SOLD! He was not happy (I think he might still be mad). BUT it was such a good deal......

We got it all and after that our flight got in an hour early. So was an hour worth $800+++ --- if you are looking for the Next Best Deal - YES!!!!!!

Let's review my guide for "Bumps"

1. Only expect them in Holiday/Busy Season
2. Make sure that what they are offering you is a good trade for your time. You have to feel comfortable with the trade.
3. If you really want it, bumps often go quickly.
4. BUT if you can hold out, the pot will always get sweeter. always.
5. Make sure that they offer a CONFIRMED ticket on the next flight, people will get tricked into standby and then well....who knows when you'll get home.
6. Make sure your schedule is flexible; don't go skipping work or school on my account ;)
7. Know the expiration dates and any blackout dates
8. Start planning the next great trip!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Frosty in the Rough


You only get what you ask for.

It's amazing what people will give you if you ask and ask NICELY.

I went to Wendy's with my dear friends (Anne inspired me to do this blog from this moment) and the Frosty machine was down. So we had to pull over from the drive through and wait....I went inside and waited. They apologized and I asked to have free fries for the wait. She said "Absolutely, no problem."

Everyone in the car was betting on if I could pull this off. Look....they were more than willing to go above and beyond because they inconvenienced a customer, I was nice, and asked politely.

Ask, Ask, you'll never know unless you ask.

Now that money can be spent on something so much more fab-oo.....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spend Money to Make Money?

Spend Money to Make Money? Well maybe....

Look we all spend money right? But are you getting rewarded from it? If should! People will reward you for spending money. Really.

Now let me make this clear. No one should spend more than you have. No one should go in debt. BUT if you already spending debit or credit cards; both will reward you. Another warning: If you carry a balance on any credit card: REWARD CARDS ARE NOT FOR YOU!

So stop pull out your checking, & savings account and all those credit cards. Now which ones are working for you? Which ones say thank you for spending your hard earned money with me?

I guess the first question is: What do you want them to do for? What is important to you?

Best way to show this - is my story. I have a credit card (that I pay off monthly!) and I love to I could have some card that gives me no rewards..... But I have a Starwood American Express, so 1 point for every dollar spent. And lots of other 50% room coupons, exclusive deals, transfer privileges to airfare, gift cards, or rental cards. I feel like I am going to spend that dollar why not be slowly working toward something? I have been afforded a lot of vacations through paying off large bills I had the cash for on my credit card, earning points and then cashing in.....(again note: I used the cash to pay off the credit card that same month...never carry a balance.)

Not a traveler? You should still be rewarded!! My mother would rather use priceline but she wants the cash back so she has a Discover with Cash Back Rewards. Discover, for example, gives just .5% cash back on your first $1,500 of charges and 1% on the next $1,500, and 3% level only on purchases above $3,000 a year. You can do the math...and see if this would benefit you....

Shopper? What is your favorite store? Where do you spend the most time? If you spend $50 a month at the GAP....if you used a GAP Credit could get a $10 reward card at the end of the month. Doesnt that make sense? Now if the easiest thing for you is to use cash or your debit and you cant be hassled to have different cards for different stores....that is reward enough!

Will you get a free trip or rich over night? No. It takes time and effort ! Any girl who wants to get the best deal must be willing to invest a little time -- not only in choosing a card but knowing what it can and can't do. Stay on top of those emails telling you this is the month you could be earning extra rewards! Also, making sure you understand all the expiration dates and the terms and conditions. Also....what is the card offering you to sign up? My AMEX gave me 25,000 points and that was enough for my last Vegas hotel stay!

And heck, always ask for more. Trust me, people want you to spend with them...but girls....spend wisely! ;) No monthly fee or interest charge is worth any amount of rewards.....

Want to look for your perfect card:



What I am all about

This blog is all about the next great deal. I will try to give great tips and hints on how to make the most of your money! I love to shop but only when there are good deals. I think you have to spend money to make money and I love to do it! I have been very lucky in my life and hopefully can share that with others :) Coco Chanel once said: "You usually need to take off the last thing you put on." She didnt mean this but I usually add "to your credit card." So here are my tricks of the trade of living fabulous, shopping often, but all while getting a good deal and keeping those credit cards down!

Confessions of a Dealoholic! Copyright 2008 Shoppaholic Designed by Ipiet Templates Image by Tadpole's Notez