Saturday, April 10, 2010

How to Return!

OH this could be my favorite post topic to date!

I love to return! Love it!

Look, the worst feeling is seeing something, not getting it, and then going back and being heartbroken it's not there. And now you want it even more! Tear. ( Heads up ladies, this also applies to men that's another blog though.)

So I tend to follow the rule "Just Buy It! If you don't want it later, you can always return it"

Sound: Tires Screech to a Halt. Warning: You have to know the stores' return policy and guidelines. This is on you. I personally don't shop at stores that don't allow returns with receipt and tag attached within a reasonable timeline. The stores can't make me love it....

Anyway so buy it! Go home, try it on, does it work with your shoes, accessories, bags? Can you pair it with that blazer? Or those leggings? If you realize it doesn't fit or just doesn't work for your style then return it. At least you know you gave it your best shot!

Remember don't remove any tags until you are sure! Heck, don't remove the tags until you wear it!!!! Why? What if you lose 20 pounds before you wear that dress or suddenly decide No way! If the tag is still attached and you have the receipt, you aren't out anything!

Here is another tip: Let's say you bought xyz and then you go back and IT'S ON SALE!!! Well, if you haven't worn xyz it on sale and then return the one at home you bought for full price! This can be easier than returning to your favorite store daily to see if "it" has gone on sale. (Let's be honest I have done this and know what day my favorite stores do their clearance inventory. And the manager on that works these evenings....sad but oh so true) With this line of shopping, it's safe to say you need a good storing place for all those receipts.

Basically you have to commit to the return and safely storing receipts. But having a good return in your back pocket can save you a lot of money and near missed deals....

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What I am all about

This blog is all about the next great deal. I will try to give great tips and hints on how to make the most of your money! I love to shop but only when there are good deals. I think you have to spend money to make money and I love to do it! I have been very lucky in my life and hopefully can share that with others :) Coco Chanel once said: "You usually need to take off the last thing you put on." She didnt mean this but I usually add "to your credit card." So here are my tricks of the trade of living fabulous, shopping often, but all while getting a good deal and keeping those credit cards down!

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