Thursday, July 22, 2010

Christmas in July!

That's right folks, my Christmas Shopping is done! Tah- DAH. Say it out loud. TAH DAH.

I recently visited my family, and one suitcase was all Christmas Gifts. Crazy you say? Do you realize how much shipping all that would of been? Hellloooo.....Southwest flys bags for free! There was also a few fall birthday gifts in there as well.

I make a list of people to buy for every year after Christmas for the next Christmas and it begins.....

Why you might ask? Well I love Christmas and love season. I love walking around the mall watching kids with Santa, people with too many bags, drinking cocoa and driving around looking at light displays! Sooo if I have too much Christmas shopping to do....these fun activities get interrupted. Anyway, searching for the perfect gift causes too much stress. I like to enjoy the holidays not stress them away. It's a lot more fun to attend all the parties, gatherings, and events knowing I've bought all my loved ones a great gift!

You have 365 days a year to shop for the perfect gift for someone. And trust, that 30% off during Christmas is not a sale (they marked it up 40%). You really have to realize if you "need" it the stores know it and mark it up! Now the after holiday shopping is an entire another blog.....

I love collecting things for people I know they will love as I find them on sale. Don't wait, if you do you'll be searching for the perfect gift and it will probably be overpriced!!!

Now when to wrap? (Please, of course I already have the paper got it after Christmas last year!!!)

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What I am all about

This blog is all about the next great deal. I will try to give great tips and hints on how to make the most of your money! I love to shop but only when there are good deals. I think you have to spend money to make money and I love to do it! I have been very lucky in my life and hopefully can share that with others :) Coco Chanel once said: "You usually need to take off the last thing you put on." She didnt mean this but I usually add "to your credit card." So here are my tricks of the trade of living fabulous, shopping often, but all while getting a good deal and keeping those credit cards down!

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