Monday, May 3, 2010

The Gift Closet

Okay forget the gifting tree...this is all about the gift closet. And I have one! I am not sure when I started but I know my mom had one so I am pretty sure I started young.

The idea is this: You have a closet full of great gifts either generic or that you are saving for that some one's birthday or next holiday.

Why you might ask? Well think about it, just because it's Christmas time does not mean that you will magical find the perfect gift for Tom, Dick, Harry or Sue. You might find it August? So what? And if you buy it in August it might be 40% off. Let's face it you wait until holiday season, they will mark it up 40% then take 20 %. Trust me, they are making their margins over the holidays.

I often walk through stores and possibly see a candle set that would be the perfect gift for Secret Santa, Aunt What'sHerName, or a Neighbor. Just save it and put it in the closet. This way when that hair dresser gives you half off for Christmas, you then show up with that perfect gift from the gift closet.

I also think buying 98,760 gifts at one time isn't fair to your credit card so spreading them out gives you more time to pay it off and spread out the cost. It's helps with the stress of the season. You want to enjoy the holiday, not be nickel and diming and only thinking of the money.

Also, I like walking through the malls during the holidays and not having to "find" the perfect gift. I like to relax, people watch, and enjoy the decorations. If you have all the gifts at home, it's easy breezy.

I love to shop, and often see that right fit gift for (fill-in-blank) so if I can afford it, I buy it and store away. This doesnt mean I just buy what's on sale. I buy things that I truly know or hope they will love I just do it in advance.

You should see my closet. All my friends Christmas presents are done, All Birthdays in the fall are done, Wedding Gifts for the fall....check. It gives me more time to enjoy the event and heck, I get to cross it off my to do list. Best feeling of all.

And do my re-gifts get put in the closet for later use? Hmm....that's another post ;)

2 comments on "The Gift Closet"

Unknown on May 5, 2010 at 10:32 AM said...

Ha! I have a gift closet, too! (my mom has a gift "room")It's perfect for toys for sudden birthday parties my kids "forgot" to tell me about until an hour before... :)
Another thing I do for my gift closet, I stock up on clean, new baskets at yard sales in the summer. They are a dime a dozen at yard sales. A gift always looks better wrapped up in a basket with a pretty bow!
Seriously, you are doing such a great job on your blog! LOVE IT!

Tianna Joy on May 5, 2010 at 9:25 PM said...

Thanks Karinne! I heart you! I love the "OH its your Birthday?" disappear and then reappear with a faboo gift! (And plus I love good deals, and would hate to have to give a gift that wasn't a great deal???) Right? THANKS FOR READING! xoxoxo

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What I am all about

This blog is all about the next great deal. I will try to give great tips and hints on how to make the most of your money! I love to shop but only when there are good deals. I think you have to spend money to make money and I love to do it! I have been very lucky in my life and hopefully can share that with others :) Coco Chanel once said: "You usually need to take off the last thing you put on." She didnt mean this but I usually add "to your credit card." So here are my tricks of the trade of living fabulous, shopping often, but all while getting a good deal and keeping those credit cards down!

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